The first question you get from Americans when they find out that you are a foreigner is: “So how do you like the states?” The answer is easy. “I love it here”, “I like it so far” or “This place rocks” are all very good answers. Answering the next question is much harder. “So what surprised you the most about the states?”
The most? I have no idea. The giant cars – no. The food – no. The trillion McDonalds – no. I watch TV, I knew all those things.
But one thing actually has surprised me. No let me rephrase that. One thing has chocked, scared and horrified me… the way girls dress on campus.
I guess what happens is that American girls get up in the morning. They shower. They dry their hair. They do their hair. They sprinkle perfume all over themselves. They use an hour putting on make up… and then they put on sweats?!? That is like having to go really bad for an hour without being near a restroom, and then when you’re a feet from the toilet you piss your pants or like buying the world’s coolest Ferrari… in brown. Why would you do that? There’s no good reason whatsoever.
I never knew that it was something to be appreciative for, but in Denmark girls dress up when they go to school. I always took it for granted, but let me use this opportunity to thank Danish girls for dressing up so I don’t have to see them in sweats, slippers or something like that.
I’ve been dating a Danish girl for 8 months. There are a few things you don’t do in the beginning of the relationship. You don’t fart (which can be a challenge for me not to do), you don’t tell her she’s fat (well you never tell her that) and you don’t wear sweats in front of her and neither does she. Sweats are allowed three or four months into the relationship on Sundays when you’re behind closed doors. Not on campus for the world to see.
Now I’m not saying that American girls should start dressing up for school as if they were going to prom. Jeans or a simple dress or skirt is fine, and to be fair a lot of American girls do dress properly – and thank you for that. It’s the last say 40 per cent I’m talking to.
There’s another big problem with girls dressing in sweats. It throws clueless guys (like me) off.
I had just spend my first week of school in sweat pants / shorts hell (shorts are sweats pants evil sister when it’s hot) and was ready for my first night on the town. I figured that I shouldn’t dress up, because that’s the American way. So I went to a bar wearing what I usually wear in school, and I find myself surrounded by cocktail dresses, high heals and well A LOT of mini skirts (the mini skirts I’m fine with – they aren’t exactly classic but the students here are around 20 and let’s face it, girls that age dresses slutty when they go out). I was with two other Danes that night, and we all looked like complete idiots because we figured that people don’t dress up when they go out, because they don’t in School. The problem is that there’s too far from the levels of dressing. In Denmark it’s more like a straight line. Of course you dress up a little nicer when you go out than on the week days, but in America the line has waves so big they’ll throw of any clueless foreigner.
After three months here I’ve figured the system out. But I still don’t get why girls want to piss their pants just before the goal line or why they want their Ferrari to be brown – anyone got an answer?
I say BAD USA!!!