Anyway this post could be the last “good usa/bad usa” post I do. I will however find a way to keep the blog alive. I’ll let you know when I figure out what to write about.
When I started writing this blog I also started keeping a list of random ideas I could write about. Obviously a lot of these ideas didn’t make the blog, but I’ll give you some of the topics and my thought about them, and then I’ll end this post by writing a little more about how American girls dress. I think it’s safe to say that my post about this topic was also my most popular post.
The first thing on my list of not published blog ideas is “The way Americans talk”. What is up with the word “like”? Before I came to the states I knew that American girls used this word a lot, but OMG (by the way the OMG is meant as a joke. I don’t get text language) it’s not only the girls that say it all the time. It’s everybody - my professors, grown ups, frats guys.
That being said girls are by far the best when it comes to saying like, when it’s like not necessary.
Anyway I started timing girls I overheard on how fast that could say like 10 times in a conversation. The record so far is 27 seconds. But there was one girl who said like eight times in 13 seconds. That’s really impressive – I mean you guys have the weirdest competitions. Spelling, hot dog eating, probably under water chess or something like that. May I suggest a competition in using unnecessary likes the most times – see the sororities going nuts!!!!
Another idea that never made the cut was the difference between American and Danish relationships. Now this is a huge generalization but as far as I can tell there’s one fundamental difference between Danish and American relationships. In Denmark it’s the girls that wears the pants, while American guys tend to have their girlfriend pretty whipped.
I would love to see what would happen if a Danish girl dated an American guy – it would be a bloodbath – fighting all the time.
Now what would happen if a Danish guy dated an American girl? I’ll tell you… nothing! Both would be able to get away with everything.
“Oh you slept with my best friend… 20 times… well that’s what happens. Are we still on for tonight?”
The way American guys dress when they work out. What is up with the tees that are cut very open in the sides. When you do something like that and walk around half naked shouldn’t you be able to back it up? Granted some of the guys are (and they still look like complete idiots), but some guys look like a keg of beer with a way too small towel wrapped around them. Come on guys have a little style!!!
The H1N1 paranoia. Doesn’t anybody wonder why nobody gets a cold anymore? I’ll tell you why: Because everybody gets diagnosed with H1N1. A friend of my got diagnosed with swein flue after having talked to the student health center for five minutes over the phone. I rest my case.
- American beer games (beer pong, Louisville chugger) are way cooler than Danish beer games!!!
As promised some final words about the way American girls dress. Since my post about this I’ve asked a lot of people for an explanation for the make up and nice hair mixed with the o so awful sweats. The general answer seems to be that it’s a way of making it look like you are beautiful even though you don’t care what you wear. Well if that’s the case the sweat wearing sorority girls are dumber than I thought. I mean when did it become attractive to date a girl that doesn’t care about her clothes.
“My girlfriend is so cool, she wears her pyjamas to school.” Well, you can keep her.
And what is up with those boots that looks like an unfortunate mix between slippers and moon boots. You know which ones I’m talking about, right!? It’s the ones that you can hear from a mile away, because the girls that wear them apparently have lost the ability to lift their feet.
One last thing - girls that wear shorts outside when it’s 25 degrease (minus four degrease celsius)… well I guess there was nothing more I needed to add to that sentence.
As I said this could be my last post about crazy Americans, but I’ll return with a new theme. Let me know if you have any ideas.